Why people can't list/upload/view on eBay

Security Settings. When the computer freezes up during listing, it is usually because a requested service (javascript, popup window, active scripting) is blocked by your security settings, and the computer just sits there waiting for the blocked service. It is almost ALWAYS a security setting. The problem is finding the right one. Since the Canada site works for many, it tells us that eBay has not yet implemented some of the active scripting, or some other service, on that site. Security settings can also prevent boxes and buttons from displaying.

Data Miners. Some of eBay's pages also pass through a third party data gathering site (redirection) and because those sites are keeping track of your activity for eBay, they are considered data-miners. General or specific data-miners may be blocked by some privacy settings on your computer or in your security software.

Alternate Browser. Some users have found that by changing to a new browser, like FireFox, they can function on eBay again. This is because microsoft keeps surreptitiously upgrading their browser security settings and the stricter settings tend to limit functionality. A new browser may not have all those settings in place. Simultaneously, eBay is expanding their use of scripts, so your software may have always blocked these services and it was never noticed until eBay started utilizing the services.

Limited Features. But beware, not all of the browsers enjoy all the enhanced listing features that Internet Explorer users enjoy, and you may only have access to eBay's basic mode features and services.

Third Party Security. Also, all of the third party security software that is proliferating is adding one more level of complexity on top of the browser security settings. So now, instead of allowing active scripting in just the browser, it needs to be allowed in the firewall or security software as well. One of the biggest offenders is Symantec, with Norton Internet Security and Norton AdBlocker. Turning those off has restored many folks' systems to full usefulness again on eBay. Another little-addressed issue is that two firewalls are not necessarily better than one. Microsoft recommends turning off the XP firewall if a third-party firewall is used.

Malware. And Lastly, many users have found that trojans and spyware have significantly slowed down and sometimes impeded their access to eBay. We have seen miraculous cures when that malware has been identified and removed.

courtesy of shipscript
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