eBay Fee Estimator

based on shipping, tax, and fees

(math allowed)
(math ok)


The Estimator is intended for items under $2500 on the US eBay Site, and assumes free insertions and no listing upgrades.

It will calculate backward to help estimate the minimum starting price to clear shipping, final value fees, and payment fees. If using insertion fees and listing upgrades, add those fixed fees to the "desired net" to calculate a start price. Shipping costs should be included in the desired net (if free ship) or in the shipping cost (if separate shipping). The Item Start price will not include separate shipping.

It will calculate Final Value Fees based on selling price plus shipping and related sales tax. If using insertion fees and listing upgrades, add those fixed fees to the resulting "final value fees".

This tool will apply the tax rate to item+shipping and will apply seller fees to item+shipping. Banking fees will be applied to item+shipping+tax. The Managed Payments options incorporate banking fees and will apply fees to item+shipping+tax. Promoted rates apply only to item.

This tool can only offer broad guidance, as other variables, like promotions, listing upgrades, price brackets, store and category-specific rates, or tax variances may affect actual fees.

See eBay Selling Fees for:
 • Non-Store - Managed Payments
 • Stores - Managed Payments
 • Non-store - Standard
 • Stores - Standard

v.2021.05.31 courtesy of eBay user shipscript © 2021