The CyberSpace Internet Card

[package image] The CyberSpace Internet Card was introduced in the summer of 1994 as the first ISDN card available specifically for high speed Internet access, and has a good solid track record. It was designed with the goal of providing affordable ISDN access to the global Internet, with simplicity of installation and reliability as the key features. The WinISDN Application Program Interface (API) provides Windows and WinOS/2 based PCs with an easy standard interface to ISDN-ready TCP/IP software. The Internet is then accessed through routers maintained by service providers. Because the typical Internet access does not support voice calls, the Internet card does not possess voice call capabilities.

The CyberSpace Internet card supports a separate 56K bps or 64K bps data call on each B-channel or can use both B-channels with appropriate multi-link PPP (MP) software for a 128K connection. It requires an external Network Termination (NT1) and can thus share the ISDN line with other ISDN hardware.

The CyberSpace Internet+Plus card, featuring an on-board NT1, can be connected directly to the phone company’s wall jack. This configuration eliminates the external NT1 and dedicates the ISDN line to this card. The card also supports either one-channel or two-channel data calls. When used with multi-link PPP (MP) software, the user can obtain up to 128K bps data rates — about 10 times faster than an analog modem.

What else will it do?

While Internet access and web browsing are seen as the most obvious applications for the Internet card, there is also a tremendous need for high speed data transfers directly between two users, without using the internet. If analog modems have been your typical method of file transfer, then you will really appreciate the speed and reliability of ISDN peer-to-peer data transfers. To accomplish a peer-to-peer connection, both the sending and receiving computers must be ISDN equipped. The software and hardware running on each machine should support an industry standard such as WinISDN or HDLC encapsulation using PPP protocols.

[Byte Best Award] Best of Comdex - Byte Magazine Award

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