Responsive Template Builder for eBay Listings
Create a professional CSS listing that adapts to mobile viewing

Hover the large round numbers for help with each section.
You may close sections you don't wish to see during editing.
(Sample data is supplied in many fields so that you can click "Make & Preview" at any time.)

Checkmark all the features you wish to use, and enter appropriate data:
1Seller Info

Seller ID, eBay site, and eBay Store Name for buttons and copyright notice:

Seller ID eBay Site Store Name
2Banner Area (optional)

Add URLs for a top logo/banner or skip this section.
Banner images must be hosted on a secure server (recommend 1000-1200 wide for desktop banner and 500-640 wide for mobile.). The same image can be used for both desktop and mobile, but desktop banners may be unreadable at the mobile size.

Add Desktop and/or Mobile Banner image and set width for both:

Or include a text banner, instead of an image, and set width (set colors in next section):

Optional background image behind banner text area:

Select a premade color set or design your own colors

 or make your own colors

Banner Bkgd

 Banner Text 

Page Bkgd

Title/Pg Text

Tab Top
Tab Top
The tab tops support a two-color gradient blend. If your browser does not support gradients, you will see an average color displayed. The tab caption colors will default to black or white, based on your background choices.

Your selected colors are saved in your template stylesheet. To use your custom colors from a previous template, locate the custom line in your template, paste it above, and load. You can also capture colors here for later use, allowing you to experiment and save different color combinations.

4Top Drop Menu

Create an optional drop list of category links or eBay links across the top of the page. Use short labels. Main categories can not exceed 10 across. Only one level deep is supported. Place each label on a separate line in the box below. Use double [[brackets]] to indicate a link beside the label. Comments following a bracket are ignored. Empty lines will be ignored. A leading dot in front of a label indicates a sub-item, or drop list, within a category. eBay allows links to only eBay pages, videos, and freight quotes.

Caption to display on mobile drop-menu (such as: Categories..., Links..., Resources..., etc.)

5Title Area

Item Title: (Color is set above as Page Text)

Highlighted text (like a special price or "on sale"):

(uses Accent color)

Your internal part number or reference

(color is gray)

6Seller Buttons

Add Buttons to your eBay pages: Change button caption if desired. Alternatively, similar links can be added to top menu instead of adding them here.

Ask Seller a question.
View Seller's other items.
Save seller to favorites.
View seller feedback.
View seller profile.
Visit seller store.

Photo/Video block - Photos and videos must be hosted on a secure server. Content in this section will not exceed 640 pixels wide. If either option (photo or video) is selected, the media will appear beside the description in two-column format. Without this section, the description will appear full width on desktop. The reverse is not true.

7Photos or Video

Photo List - To use a gallery, we recommend 3 to 8 photos. Place each image url on a separate line. Empty lines will be ignored. Some filtering is provided to remove extraneous text or code and to pull image URLs out of source code.

Add Photo gallery

To provide Video (or other code module) in place of a photo gallery, add your code here. It will turn off the photo gallery option.
To keep the photo gallery option and include video, you may add video code to the Description, Terms tabs, or Custom code box. (YouTube Code for eBay).

Add Video

Description block - use a single box if you have only a description, or up to three tabs for tabbed content with the description on the first tab. Change the heading for each tab as needed.

8Description Tabs
0    Description Summary for Mobile
Additional description or omit

Terms tabs across the bottom. Use three to six for tabbed content and add or change the tab heading for each tab.

9Terms Tabs

Promo. Add your own promo gallery code, custom HTML, or thank-you message that will display full-width. This content will not be boxed, and will have a different appearance than the tabbed content. You may include or omit a color bar that can be displayed with or without a caption. Be careful that this code complies with eBay's new Active Content rules. If in doubt, you can paste that code in the Active Content Sandbox for verification.

10Custom Code
Align contents:   (Text color is same as item Title)

11Template Code